City of Pomeroy 

We welcome you for a day or a lifetime

Welcome to the Official Web site of the City of Pomeroy

Named for Charles W. Pomeroy, landowner and congressman, Pomeroy is situated among the cornfields and wind turbines of northwest Iowa. Nearly wiped off the map in 1893 by a devastating tornado, the spirit of the people prevailed and Pomeroy renewed itself as an agricultural community which now boasts 662 residents.

  Special Announcements:  

 Pomeroy's Homecoming!!! 

 July 11 & 12 2025

Please check out our Facebook page for updates.
Pomeroy Carnival June 23 & 24 2025
 Pay your utility bill online!


Lots for sale:

308 Oswego St.

Contact City Hall for more information. 

 THANK YOU Calhoun Co. Community Foundation for this year's grant of $2,100 for Pomeroy Fire Department.
RV Park online registration! Pomeroy Campground

Please call dispatch at 712-297-7583 not Police Chief's cell phone for assistance.


Digital Archives of the Pomeroy Herald 


Website Disclaimer: This site provides links to other web sites. These may include links to web sites operated by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations and/or private businesses. Neither the City of Pomeroy, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the City of Pomeroy warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked to/from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her or its own risk.


Other City forms can be found on Government tab in Permits & Forms

Official Website of Pomeroy Iowa. Copyright 2011 Pomeroy Iowa. All Rights Reserved.